Category: GDPR

Schrems II – what does it mean for you?

If there is one thing that we can say for certain in the world of data protection it is that it is an ever-changing landscape and the recent Schrems II decision just goes to prove the rule. Austrian lawyer Max Schrems has long been an advocate of citizens’ rights when it comes to data protection…
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gdpr pre-employment screening

The Checkback GDPR questionnaire

Welcome to the latest in our series of articles on GDPR. In this installment we’re introducing you to our GDPR questionnaire, a handy excel sheet that will give you a guide to whether you need to take action on your data to avoid falling foul of the new regulations. You can download the sheet here…
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GDPR – What you need to know.

There’s been a lot of noise around the subject of GDPR and it’s certainly true that for some businesses it will cause a fair amount of disruption but for the majority of firms it really doesn’t have to be the trauma that some are describing. Here at Checkback International we provide pre-employment background checks and…
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