About Joey Lyons

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So far Joey Lyons has created 64 blog entries.

What Does IDVT and Liveness Checks mean for UK Right to Work Checks

We live in a world where digitisation is on the rise and it’s enabling us to do lots of things differently. Where we had previously required interactivity, the Covid 19 pandemic quickly ushered in new, faster ways of doing things. For employment background checks and vetting, this was no ...

By |2024-09-30T11:48:51+01:0025 July 2023|IDVT|

Inside 8406:2020 – Organisation structure for event organisers

In the first part of our new series - Inside BS8406 we look at what event organisers need to do to comply with the rules around the provision of staff, security and stewarding for events. Complying with BS8406 gives your customers confidence that you know what you are doing ...

By |2024-10-08T15:40:55+01:0015 February 2023|BS8406:2020|

What background checks do you need for BS8406:2020?

If you are in the business of providing stewards, security and other staff for events then you need to know about BS8406:2020 and a key part of the standard is the provision of staff who have been security checked. In this post we are looking at this part of ...

By |2024-09-28T11:28:20+01:0018 January 2023|BS8406:2020|

How to get your 5-year employment history

Have you been asked by a prospective employer for your five-year employment history? Do you need to respond to a pre-employment screening question regarding your former employers? Sometimes it is difficult to remember the exact dates of your former employment especially if you have moved around a bit as ...

By |2024-11-22T10:54:49+00:0023 November 2022|News|

Police vetting scandal – is there anything we can learn?

On the 2nd of November 2022 His Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS) published a damning report on the state of UK policing in their report into vetting, misconduct, and misogyny in the police service. The report doesn’t make pretty reading and we should remember ...

By |2024-08-27T11:43:15+01:003 November 2022|Human Resource Department, News|

COVID right to work checks extended

The UK Home office has made the welcome announcement that the adjustments to Right to Work checks will now continue until 30th September 2022. This means that employers doing employee background checks  were going to be forced to go back to a physical check of identity documents will now ...

By |2024-09-30T14:00:42+01:005 April 2022|IDVT, News|

Right to work and biometrics – the new rules

There are new rules coming into force for employers regarding the right to work scheme and it is important that you apply them. From April 6th 2022, there are changes to Right to Work (RTW) for all UK employers and failure to follow these could result in a breach. ...

By |2024-08-27T11:32:59+01:0028 March 2022|IDVT, News|
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