Author: Joey Lyons

Welcome to the latest in our series of articles on what you need to know about GDPR.

In this installment we’re introducing you to our GDPR questionnaire, a handy excel sheet that will give you a guide to whether you need to take action on your data to avoid falling foul of the new regulations.

You can download the sheet here

It’s not long now until GDPR hits in full force and the surprising statistic is that most businesses are woefully underprepared. You have until May 25th so it’s important to get analysing your systems and processes right now to make sure you are compliant.

Our GDPR checklist will guide you through each of the major themes and help you identify where there are areas that need attention.

How to use the sheet.

Download our excel sheet and either make copies and use electronically or print off and do it old style but one way or another you really need to get cracking so that you can get on track with GDPR compliance.

The sheet is designed so that you can use separate sheets for each department or function in your business.

It’s split down into major GDPR topics and then each of these has some explanatory wording together with definitions.

It’s likely that each area will have a number of bits of data that they collect in different ways so there are a number of columns that you can fill in for each item.

Finally, we’ve added in an example column for an imaginary payroll process to give you an idea of what you need to think about.

But most importantly…

This sheet will only be effective if you use it!

And it will only be properly effective if you and your staff make a concerted effort to ensure that the input is accurate and realistic. Please don’t believe it if someone says that they will be able to change their entire HR system in two weeks – it isn’t going to happen.

Once complete gather together the sheets and use them to build a map of your risk areas. We’d suggest rating each risk area by severity and urgency and then using that to prioritise them into a plan to mitigate your risk.

Remember you only have until May 25th so the sooner you get cracking the sooner you can get compliant!

You can download the sheet here